Each Tuesday morning the new Ladies Day Committee, consisting of Marina Baumler, Laurence Guillemard, Edith Zegerius, Christine Blocqaux and Jacqueline Lanting, will organise a Ladies’ Day Competition. Throughout the year, we will offer a balanced mix of sportive and social formats of play. This formula seemed to please most of you in 2010, where the total number of Ladies Day contestants continued the increase from the year before. During the summer months, when the course normally is in a mint condition, mainly sportive tournaments will be organized in order for everyone to work on their handicaps. Each competition is followed by a lunch and a prize-giving ceremony. Some of the Ladies’ Day tournaments are kindly sponsored by a Member, who has the privilege to decide the format of play of her competition. A big thank you to all of last year’s sponsors – your support is highly appreciated! We invite all female Members to take part in our weekly event, which - apart from the social aspect - also play an important role in improving the level of play of all our Lady Members. This is extremely important now, as we have to live up to huge expectations after the great results our teams achieved in 2010.
Every Thursday during spring, all Lady Members playing off a handicap of 24,4 or better may participate in our Practice Sessions, which Liliane Meyer has kindly offered to manage. As we have ambitions to improve the performances of our different teams, all qualified Lady Members are kindly invited to take part in these training sessions, which will partly be held as individual practices, partly as team trainings organized by our professionals. The Thursday training sessions is also instrumental in improving the Club’s Team Spirit even further. Last year, we saw the immediate result of these training sessions as our teams started winning tournaments instead of finishing in the middle of the pack.
It is our goal to obtain a broader base of players for our external competitions, including the Réminiscence Trophy. There are 90 ladies with a handicap of up to 24,4 who are all welcome to play in the 10 Réminiscence competitions throughout the year. For further information, please contact Team Manager, Laurence Guillemard.
With the blessing of the AS and the Sports Committee, we have decided to introduce a 2nd team, which will enable more players to take part in outside competitions, sponsored by the Club. This means that more than 30% of our Lady Members with a handicap of 24,4 or better now may compete externally, instead of just a handful of eligible players during the previous seasons. This is why 2011 will be a year of consolidation and an investment in the sportive future of Royal Mougins Ladies Section. This is also the reason why you should not expect similar outstanding results this year as we have seen during the past two seasons. It is our hope that the 2011-season will bring the sportive abilities of all our Lady Members to a higher level – thus securing a bright future for all the teams in the years to come.
A Competitions Committee, consisting of Julie Sabas, Laurence Guillemard, Conny Plesman, Lauerence Rouvet and myself, will be in charge of the six regional and national competitions to be played this year (excluding the Réminiscence Trophy).
Royal Mougins Golf Club will take part in the following competitions this year:
· 10 Réminiscence Ladies Trophy (presently having the Trophy in our Club House)
· 3 National Championships (presently in 3rd division)
· 2 Regional (League) Competitions (presently 1st division)
· 1 Promotion tournament - National
Our target is to remain the number one team in the Réminiscence Ladies Trophy and to maintain today’s presence in the respective divisions. We are also targeting the advancement from the promotional division.
The Captains’ Cup & Dinner will take place on the May 7. It is an important sportive as well as social event, which marks the official start of the summer season.
Ladies’ Captain’s Team vs Men’s Captain’s Team will be organised on the Sunday, June 12. This is obviously a social match, but of course also a serious one, as our target is to beat the men! For the past few years, we have had the same goal – but without success. Let’s do it this year!
As Ladies’ Captain I will like to take the opportunity to thank all my fellow Lady Members for contributing to make the Ladies’ Day such a nice event. My warm gratitude also goes to the ladies who have offered their assistance in the two mentioned new committees, which made it possible for me to stay on as Captain for one more year.
Lene Bjerk-Bojesen
Ladies’ Captain
Lene Bjerk-Bojesen
Ladies’ Captain