Monday, May 2, 2011
National Championship First Division
Luberon Golf Club, from April 27th to May 1st 2011
First Ladies Team Captain: Laurence Rouvert, Martine Teisseire, Catherine Lainé, Marina Baumler, Zoya Chubykina, Laurence Guillemard, Gilda Vivarelli.
Despite the storms, wind, and four days on a terrible course, the First Ladies' team managed to win its rank in the 3rd division of the French National Championship
Neither the diabolical greens, or the opposing teams, have diminished the determination of our players, and after two days of stroke and match play played in play off, they won.
They again represented with dignity and bravery the colors of Royal Mougins
All players are proud to defend the colors of our club, and they thank all Members.