Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Golf lessons offered by the AS

Over the last couple of years your Sports Association has managed to accumulate a small budget surplus.  It has decided to use these funds to offer coaching opportunities for members.

We are pleased to announce that we have made an arrangement with Stephane Damiano, through his Prime Golf Academy, to provide a two hour coaching session on Thursday mornings.  These sessions will be open to all members who have paid their AS subscriptions. 

The coaching sessions will start on Thursday 8 January 2015.  They will be held at the practice range from 10 am to 12 pm, and will continue every Thursday for the next 30 weeks with the last session being held on Thursday 30 July.

So what do you have to do to benefit from this?  Just be at the practice range between 10 and 12 any Thursday morning from January to July next year.  Obviously it would be preferable to arrive at 10 am as Stephane (or one of his coaches) will be conducting a group clinic and will start at 10 am promptly.  But feel free to arrive at any time between 10 and 12 and join in.

Stephane will adapt the sessions according to how many members attend.  In general, each month he will try and follow a four part programme as follows:  Week 1- long game basics (posture, grip, address, backswing etc);  Week 2 - chipping and putting basics;  Week 3 - long game improvement; Week 4 - wedging and short irons.  The programme will then be repeated the following month, and could evolve according to participants’ needs.  Some special sessions, concerning the mental game and sport psychology, will be announced in advance.  There should also be time to deal with individual issues and questions.

As we have never done this before we have no idea how many members will attend each session.  If the numbers get too large we will have to consider limiting the size of the group at each session and requiring that members book in advance.  But hopefully this will not be necessary.

We trust that you will take advantage of the coaching offered and Stephane and his team look forward to seeing you on the practice range